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Are there any official rules or guidelines for playing competitively in tournaments or leagues?

Yes, there are official rules and guidelines for playing competitively in tournaments or leagues in Axie Infinity.

The rules and guidelines are designed to ensure fair play and a level playing field for all players. The first rule is that all players must use the same version of the game. This means that all players must have the same version of the game installed on their device.

This ensures that all players have access to the same features and abilities, allowing for a fair competition. The second rule is that all players must use the same type of team composition. This means that all teams must have the same number of Axies, with each Axie having the same type of stats and abilities.

This ensures that no team has an unfair advantage over another due to having better stats or abilities than their opponents. The third rule is that all teams must be created within a certain time limit before each tournament or league begins. This ensures that no team has an unfair advantage due to having more time to prepare than their opponents.

The fourth rule is that all teams must be created using only legal moves as defined by Axie Infinity’s official ruleset. This ensures that no team has an unfair advantage due to using illegal moves or strategies during gameplay. Finally, the fifth rule is that all teams must adhere to any additional rules or guidelines set forth by tournament organizers or league administrators prior to each tournament or league beginning.

These additional rules may include restrictions on certain types of Axies, specific strategies, or other factors which could give one team an unfair advantage over another during gameplay.

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