How do I deploy a smart contract to the network?
Deploying a smart contract to the Casper Network requires a few steps.
First, you will need to write your smart contract code in the Casper Network’s native programming language, Cadence. This language is designed to be easy to learn and use, and it is Turing-complete, meaning that it can be used to create any type of program. Once you have written your code, you will need to compile it into a bytecode format that can be read by the network.
Next, you will need to deploy your smart contract onto the network. This is done using a special transaction called an “execution transaction”. This transaction contains all of the information necessary for the network to execute your smart contract, including its bytecode and any parameters that you may have specified in your code.
Once your execution transaction has been sent, it will be validated by validators on the network and then added to a block on the blockchain. Once this block has been added, your smart contract will be deployed and ready for use on the network.