Are there any fees associated with using the Ethereum Name Service (ENS)?
Yes, there are fees associated with using the Ethereum Name Service (ENS).
The fees depend on the type of transaction you are making. For registering a domain name, the fee is 0.01 ETH plus a variable gas fee.
This fee is paid to the ENS registrar contract and is used to cover the cost of registering your domain name on the Ethereum blockchain. For transferring a domain name, the fee is 0.01 ETH plus a variable gas fee.
This fee is paid to the ENS registrar contract and is used to cover the cost of transferring your domain name from one address to another on the Ethereum blockchain. For renewing a domain name, the fee is 0.01 ETH plus a variable gas fee.
This fee is paid to the ENS registrar contract and is used to cover the cost of renewing your domain name on the Ethereum blockchain. For resolving an address for a domain name, there are no fees associated with this process as it does not require any transactions on the Ethereum blockchain. Finally, for setting up an alias for an address, there are no fees associated with this process as it does not require any transactions on the Ethereum blockchain either.