What are the fees associated with PancakeSwap?
PancakeSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC).
It allows users to trade tokens, earn rewards, and participate in yield farming. PancakeSwap has a range of fees associated with it. The main fee associated with PancakeSwap is the trading fee.
This fee is 0.2% of the total amount of tokens traded and is taken from the taker's side of the transaction. This fee goes to liquidity providers who provide liquidity for trading pairs on PancakeSwap.
In addition to the trading fee, there are also fees associated with staking and farming on PancakeSwap. Staking fees are taken from users who stake their tokens in order to earn rewards. These fees vary depending on the token being staked but are typically around 0.
25%. Farming fees are taken from users who participate in yield farming activities on PancakeSwap. These fees vary depending on the token being farmed but are typically around 0.
3%. Finally, there are also withdrawal fees associated with PancakeSwap which vary depending on the token being withdrawn but are typically around 0.25%.
Overall, PancakeSwap has a range of fees associated with it including trading, staking, farming and withdrawal fees which all vary depending on the token being used but typically range between 0.2% and 0.3%.