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Is there a community forum where I can ask questions about using or developing on the platform or discuss ideas related to it with other users/developers/investors/etc.?

Yes, there is a community forum for VeChain where users can ask questions about using or developing on the platform, discuss ideas related to it with other users/developers/investors/etc.

The official VeChain Forum is hosted on Reddit and can be found at

The VeChain Forum is a great place to get help from the community and learn more about the project. It’s also a great place to share your ideas and get feedback from other users. The forum has sections dedicated to different topics such as news, development, wallets, exchanges, and more.

In addition to the official VeChain Forum on Reddit, there are also several unofficial forums dedicated to the project such as the VeChainThor Telegram group ( and the VeChainThor Discord server (

These forums are great places to ask questions and discuss ideas related to VeChain with other users in real-time. Finally, there are also several online communities dedicated specifically to developers working on projects related to VeChain such as the VeChain Developer Portal (https://developers.vechain.

org/) and the VeChain Dev Community (

These communities are great places for developers to get help with their projects and collaborate with other developers in the community.

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