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Does XDC have any plans to expand its services into other markets or countries in the future such as Asia Africa etc.?

Yes, XDC Network has plans to expand its services into other markets and countries in the future.

The team is currently exploring opportunities in Asia, Africa, and other regions. XDC Network is actively working on building strategic partnerships with local companies and organizations to facilitate the adoption of its technology in these regions. XDC Network has already established a presence in India and is actively working on expanding its reach across the country.

The team is also exploring opportunities in Africa, where it plans to launch a pilot program for blockchain-based solutions for small businesses. Additionally, XDC Network is looking into potential partnerships with companies in Southeast Asia to explore new use cases for its technology. XDC Network’s goal is to become a global leader in blockchain-based solutions and services.

To achieve this goal, the team is actively working on expanding its presence across different markets and countries. With its strong focus on innovation and customer service, XDC Network hopes to become a major player in the global blockchain space.

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