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Does XDC have plans to launch new products or services related to its blockchain technology in 2021 and beyond?

Yes, XDC Network has plans to launch new products and services related to its blockchain technology in 2021 and beyond.

The team is currently working on several initiatives, including the launch of a decentralized exchange (DEX), a digital asset management platform, and a cross-chain interoperability protocol. Additionally, XDC Network is also exploring the potential of launching its own stablecoin, which would be pegged to the US Dollar. This would enable users to make payments with greater stability and reliability.

XDC Network is also looking into launching its own decentralized identity solution that would allow users to securely store their personal data on the blockchain. This would enable users to access various services without having to provide their personal information each time. Furthermore, XDC Network is also exploring the potential of launching a distributed storage solution that would allow users to store their data securely on the blockchain.

In addition, XDC Network is also working on developing an enterprise-grade blockchain platform that will enable businesses to develop and deploy decentralized applications (dApps) quickly and easily. This platform will be powered by XDC Protocol’s smart contracts and will offer enhanced scalability, security, privacy, and interoperability features for businesses. Overall, XDC Network has ambitious plans for 2021 and beyond as it looks to expand its product offerings in order to become a leading provider of blockchain-based solutions for businesses around the world.

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