What is the cost of using Hedera Hashgraph?
The cost of using Hedera Hashgraph depends on the type of transaction and the network load.
For example, if you are sending a cryptocurrency transaction, the cost is 0.0001 HBAR per transaction. If you are sending a smart contract transaction, the cost is 0.
01 HBAR per transaction. The cost of using Hedera Hashgraph also depends on the network load, meaning that if there is a lot of activity on the network, then the cost may be higher than usual. In addition to these costs, there are also fees associated with running a node on the Hedera Hashgraph network.
These fees are based on how much storage and bandwidth your node uses and can range from $0.0015 to $0.0045 per GB/month depending on your usage level.
There is also an annual fee for running a node which is currently set at $100 USD per year.