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What are some best practices when developing applications on top of near ?


Understand the Near Protocol: Before developing applications on top of Near, it is important to understand the Near Protocol and its features. This includes understanding the consensus mechanism, how transactions are processed, and how data is stored on the blockchain. 2.

Use Secure Coding Practices: When developing applications on top of Near, it is important to use secure coding practices to ensure that your application is secure from malicious actors. This includes using strong encryption algorithms, avoiding hard-coded secrets, and using secure coding libraries. 3.

Test Your Application: Before deploying your application on the mainnet, it is important to thoroughly test your application in a development environment. This will help you identify any potential issues before they become a problem in production. 4.

Monitor Your Application: Once your application is deployed on the mainnet, it is important to monitor its performance and usage metrics in order to identify any potential issues or areas for improvement. This can be done using tools such as Grafana or Prometheus. 5.

Follow Best Practices for Smart Contract Development: When developing smart contracts on top of Near, it is important to follow best practices for smart contract development such as using proper gas limits and testing all code paths before deployment.

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